Winterization 4 Fetish Weekend järjestetään 15.-17.2.2019 Helsingissä. Winterization yhteydessä järjestetään Mr Fetish Finland 2019 kilpailu. Alla ohjelma ja tietoa tapahtumasta englanniksi. Päivitettyä tietoa löytyy myös Winterization 4 FB-eventistä https://www.facebook.com/events/204421140444844/
Winterization 4 Fetish Weekend is soon! Welcome to party and to select the Mr Fetish Finland 2019 in exotic winter-fetish-wonderland Helsinki. How many layers of leather or rubber you think you need to survive!
WINTERIZATION 4 Fetish Weekend
15th – 17th February 2019
Fri 15th
19-21 Fetish Dinner, Restaurant Harald
21-04 Winterization Open Party and Mr Fetish Finland 2019 Contest,
Hercules Gay Night Club,
All genders welcome, dress your hottest and kinkiest fetish
Free Entrance, Cloakroom 3€
Sat 16th
13 Group Photo, Senate Square
14-16 Allas Sea Pool, public sauna / social gathering
21-04 Men in Fetish Party, Hercules Downstairs,
Strictly Fetish Dresscode,
Darkroom, Men only
5€/10€ cash (members/non-members) +5€ cloakroom
Sun 17th
12-14 Fetish Brunch, Restaurant Kaarti
15-17 Fetish Sled Ride, Sinebrychoff Park
20-22 Sunday Fetish Karaoke, Gay Bar Manstreet
Winterization is an unique Fetish Weekend in Helsinki Winter Wonderland arranged by MSC Finland – Tom’s Club. There will be Mr Fetish Finland Contest during the Winterization. Come and play in brotherhood 15th to 17th February 2019! The winter is cold but the men are f#ckg HOT!
The Winterization Fetish Weekends were started few years ago to lighten up also the darker and colder season of the year with hot men gathering to play in brotherhood. MSC Finland has arranged gay fetish events and parties already from 1976. Tom of Finland was honored member of MSC Finland from the first years of the club. The Club’s oldest party tradition is Finlandization which is held during summertime. The 34th Finlandization is 23rd to 25th August 2019.